Tuesday 14 August 2012

Anonymous Tips

So Whys Everyone getting so wound up about Anonymous, has anyone ACTUALLY seen the real Anonymous or what? Is she REALLY unstoppable? Or is this some SILLY lie? Well I'll (Hopefully) separate the truth from utter nonsense!

Q: Are the sounds in the Cafe Really Anonymous?
A: No, MSP put them there to make it sound like a Cafe full of Chatter

Q: What Do I do if she is the dancing Character on The homepage?
A: Do  NOT log in, Instead refresh the Page until shes gone.

Q: I'm level 6 V.I.P, will she get me?
A: We're not sure, Its been heard that she only Hacks people Level 20+ But you never Know.

Q: whats The Best Way to stop her from...hacking me?
A: 1> Dress your character in Ugly clothes, it is not know if this works but give it a try!
2> Don't log on if she's the dancing character, she could take your password, it is said...
3> be Unsociable, Don't post forums, make movies, art books or chat about her in a bad way. Some say she might read them and hack you for it.
4> Change your password daily and don't put 123 on the end (Dunno y!)

We Are Not Alone!

Were not alone guys. German MSP has been 'invaded' too apparently. Just report every Anonymous user you see - They are real. If you see Anonymous (basically a person half nude) on the login screen refresh and she should go away. Just watch out.


Profile Of lilxlover (msp user)

Username: lilxlover
Favourite Colour: Yellow/lime green
Favourite Animal: Dog
Favourite Food: Cookies
Favourite Country: England
Favourite Chatroom: Mall Level 5+
Favourite Website: Moviestarplanet
Favourite TV Programme: Towie
Favourite Shop: Paperchase
Favourite MSP Pet: Evil Boonie
Favourite Animation: Zombie Drag



Profile Of ameera66 (moviestarplanet user)

Username: ameera66
Favourite Colour: Yellow
Favourite Animal: Rabbit
Favourite Food: Pizza
Favourite Country: England
Favourite Chatroom: V.I.P Club
Favourite Website: MovieStarPlanet
Favourite TV Programme: Jessie
Favourite Shop: Asda
Favourite MSP Pet: Dragon
Favourite Animation: Glamour Ride
Favourite MSP Game: Arcade



Profile Of *$tardust* (moviestarplanet user)

Username: *$tardust*
Favourite Colour: Black
Favourite Animals: Dogs, Puppies, Dolphins
Favourite Food: Italian Pasta
Favourite Country: England
Favourite Chatroom: Pet Park
Favourite Website: MovieStarPlanet
Favourite TV Programme: Walking Dead
Favourite Shop: Bodyshop
Favourite MSP Pet: V.I.P Boonie
Favourite Animation: Hellevator


Sunday 12 August 2012

Anonymous Hacking

Anonymous hacking

Anonymous also known as Legion is a "Hacktivist" group. That hacks websites they stand out against. On Movie Star Planet, many users were allegedly hacked by a group of accounts named "Anonymous". Some users create fake anonymous accounts in order to scare others. It is Unknown if the Anonymous group on Movie Star Planet are a part of Legion. Users become hacked when, the iconic image of the user. Appears on the left of the screen, where a random user created by Movie Star Planet would be. When the user logs in, the hacker has full control. This whole controversy started with a forum post.

Friday 10 August 2012

Anonymous (The M.S.P Hacker)

A lot of you have been worrying about moviestarplanet's anonymous! Here is some information to make sure that your not next!

On the moviestarplanet homepage is anonymous is doing the animations DO NOT log in because it sends your password to her.
When you go in a chatroom and you scroll through the different ones availible when you see the ones that are like '4gyj279o8by47' don't go in them or talk about anonymous in them because she will hack you! Those chatrooms are HER chatrooms!

Thats pretty much all I have found out about what not to do to protect yourself from Anonymous but I can tell you how it all started.

It all started with a forum called 'Little Test'. Some people make up blogs to try and scare people and they think it is funny but it isn't it just makes people panic. If you went into the forums now you would probaly find loads of forums about Anonymous.

In 3 days she hacked many unfortunate people. Some people think that Anonymous usally only hacks pretty, VIP or high level people.

As soon as I get more information I will post it!
