Friday 10 August 2012

Anonymous (The M.S.P Hacker)

A lot of you have been worrying about moviestarplanet's anonymous! Here is some information to make sure that your not next!

On the moviestarplanet homepage is anonymous is doing the animations DO NOT log in because it sends your password to her.
When you go in a chatroom and you scroll through the different ones availible when you see the ones that are like '4gyj279o8by47' don't go in them or talk about anonymous in them because she will hack you! Those chatrooms are HER chatrooms!

Thats pretty much all I have found out about what not to do to protect yourself from Anonymous but I can tell you how it all started.

It all started with a forum called 'Little Test'. Some people make up blogs to try and scare people and they think it is funny but it isn't it just makes people panic. If you went into the forums now you would probaly find loads of forums about Anonymous.

In 3 days she hacked many unfortunate people. Some people think that Anonymous usally only hacks pretty, VIP or high level people.

As soon as I get more information I will post it!


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